Possible gold mine nearby!!!

Discussion in 'Browning Auto A-5' started by Bill Idaho, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Bill Idaho

    Bill Idaho .270 WIN

    Since I have pretty well cleaned out the local gun shows of the Auto5s that show up, admittedly they have become slim pickins. Our area has an internet site, similar to Craigslist, that has guns (and related) for sale/trade/etc. I noticed someone posting various Auto5s for the last year or so, his prices were ok (at best) , and he listed his location as the same town I live in (about 50,000). Anyway, he recently listed four that caught my attention due to them being round-butt models. I sent him a text asking if he knew what year those were. We went back and forth for the rest of the day, turns out he lives about 8 blocks away, he is semi-retired, and has a "bunch" (his words) of Auto5s. I may or may not have mentioned I have a couple, and would really like to investigate further regarding the ones he posted. He said he wants to get rid of them, as he has lost interest, yada-yada-yada. I thought I knew everyone in the Treasure Valley that were into Auto5s.

    I am headed over next week.
    Rudolph31 likes this.
  2. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    Hope you find a diamond in the ruff, kind of funny it's in your back yard.
    Auzzie likes this.
  3. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    Keep us posted!!!
  4. Pamlico

    Pamlico .22LR

    We never will know what or how many A5's are hiding and just waiting to be Adopted !
    Ranger6 likes this.
  5. ShooterGranny

    ShooterGranny .270 WIN

  6. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    All of them! Every one in my collection will be adopted by someone who will mistakenly believe he’s keeping them “forever”.
  7. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    Or you could adopt me……
    Rudolph31 likes this.
  8. Bill Idaho

    Bill Idaho .270 WIN

    The alleged "Gold mine" wasn't. Nothing notable, no years or variations I didn't already have, yet his asking prices were a bit high. (!!!!!!)
  9. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    I see this a lot. People round here think anything auto 5 is gold. You see the same guns for sale week after week for some crazy high price. Makes me wonder if the really want to sell or just fishing for a sucker. I’m sure they get some.
    Rudolph31 likes this.

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