Hey Folks,

Discussion in 'New Member Welcome Area' started by Waidmann, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Waidmann

    Waidmann Copper BB

    Hey, I am a "Waidmann" from the old world (Germany). In Germany Waidmann stands not only for a Hunter. The Hunter should act knightly and give "dem (the) Wild (game)" a chance. So we don't use laser, lights or mounted NV Scopes for hunting.

    In Germany the standard Greeting from Huntsman to Huntsman ist Waidmann's "Heil" (yes you know this word from the Nazi era, but it's much more older. The Fishermen by the way, say Petri Heil.

    It stands for Good luck. If somebody Take a Game, the Waidmann answers wither Waidmann's Dank (Thanks).

    If you answer with Waidmann s Dank, without a taken game, you must pay a round of beer or shots

    My semi new BLR LW TD in 308 win, lead me to this forum. I'm looking for open sights working together with the Leupold STD mount. [Did you know, that the founder of Leupold is a German an came from Bavaria?!] I had reinstalled the rear sight, because my Kahles C 8x56 Reticle 1 scope needs the space. Kahles is a daughter of swarovski.

    In germany, we need the large diameter scopes for hunting in dusk and dawn. In my case I hunt on Roe buck and doe (in German: Reh Bock + Geiss). They came in the first and the last daylight and you need as much light you can get through your scope.

    So Folks, shooter, fishermen and Huntsmen.. Weidmannsheil
    SHOOTER13 likes this.
  2. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Willkommen bei der Browning Eigentümer Forum Waidmann !!

    Genießen Sie das Forum...!!
    Rudolph31 likes this.

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