Browning Maxus Shotgun Troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Browning Maxus Shotgun' started by Billythekid, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    Here is the place to talk about any and all Troubleshooting for your Browning Maxus Shotgun.
  2. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    I had come across an issue when assembling my Maxus from cleaning, the Hammer would not always cock back. Sometimes it would be effortless and other times i would have to take it out a couple times until it cocked back. after looking into it further it seems that the arm that extends off the hammer must sit just right on the recoil tube otherwise it will never cock back for you. It should fall into place normally if the hammer is on the track but if your are having trouble this is most likely your cause. So two ways to solve this:
    1. assemble the hammer before the trigger assembly and you will be able to guide it in easily
    2. if you have small enough fingers, you can push up/down on the arm to get it to fall in place when assembling the hammer.
  3. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    I have put over 2000 rounds in my Browning Maxus since i bought it new in March. I have never had an real issues with gun, until this passed weekend. I was doing my normal round of international skeet when my Maxus was getting hung up when it cycled into the second shell. the first shell ejected with zero issue but for some reason the second shell just would not want to fire off. i only had my basic cleaning supplies with me so during rounds i took it apart and gave it a quick clean. This seemed to do the trick until the last 5-6 shots and it starting coming back again.

    I normally don't fully break it down and clean it every time i shoot but i do the basic cleaning of the barrel and gas system. prior to this i hadn't fully broken it down and cleaned for about 400-500 rounds. I was able to take it apart completely today and give it a could cleaning and oiled her up. Hopefully this does the job and it is simply a lack of cleaning that caused it.

    If anyone has any insight on this issue please let me know, otherwise i will keep you updated on how the Maxus does at the range tomorrow.
    TheOneAW likes this.
  4. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    I was able to get out to the range yesterday and it the Maxus shot with zero issues. So it seems that lack of cleaning was causing the Maxus to act up....
  5. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    Well it came back today. Not quite sure what is causing the issue. The Maxus is ejecting and cycling perfectly fine but it seems the trigger is getting hung up on something. Maxus has about 2500 rounds through it in about 6 months now. going to break the Maxus down in the morning and try to get to the heart of this.
  6. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Let us know how you make out with that Billy...
  7. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    so after some more investigation on the issue and talking with a couple of locals at the range, it seems that the rem oil is not keeping it as well lubricated as it should be, causing it to lock up. I shot three straight rounds through the Maxus at the range and on the third round it started to lock up on me agian. so i took some rem oil and applied to all the major components of the autoloader and boom started working just fine again. So i decided to order some frog lube and hope to solve this issue once in for all.
  8. DHonovich

    DHonovich Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Frog Lube keeps my autoloaders running smooth! Keep us updated on your Browning Maxus.
  9. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    There were to things that i did to correct this issue. 1. - I primarily used my maxus for International skeet shooting and for whatever reasoning i noticed myself trying to be too quick on trigger, causing the trigger never to fully reset itself. 2.- I never really cleaned the vent holes that come off of the barrel, causing a lot of build up there. I cleaned the heck out of it and i noticed the gun cycle alot faster and smoother. But to be honest, my man probelm was the first issue and not so much the second

    Does your gun cycle the second shell or does it not even do that?
  10. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    I have the same issue with mine. I use my maxus for hunting, when trying to get a second shot off on a bird it really pisses me off. I'm about ready to trade my Maxus in. I've talked to a few gun smiths and sent it back to browning with no avail. If a gun smith made a new sear that reduced over travel and reset length to replace my old one I'd pay $200 for the work. For directions on how to disassemble, reassemble with the part I'd pay $150.

    I also think a good polish job along with a heavier disconector/trigger spring would help as well.
  11. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    Also, just imagine how much worse the problem is when wearing thick gloves while duck hunting... its pretty much every shot
  12. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    I love how my Maxus sporting feels when shooting, so I have adjusted/gotten used to it up to this point. I do want to check the weight of the trigger because that also might have something to do with it as well.
  13. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    I just want to find a competent gunsmith that is whiling to at least investigate and see what he can do, I do not want to live with it. With as may people out there getting trigger jobs for other guns.... their has to be someone willing to take a shot at it, no doubt it can be improved.
  14. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    Agreed, keep us updated if you have any luck with finding the right gunsmith.
  15. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    Another strike from another gunsmith, I'm not keeping track... so I'm not out yet
  16. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    Hey, can you guys post a picture of your trigger group. I'm looking at the disconnector on Numrich and the picture they have for the disconnector is different than what mine appears to be.

    It would be nice to see from people who are having the problem and who aren't.

    I'm considering two DIY fixes. One altering the disconnector so the reset is shorter and two buying a trigger spring and finding someone to make a heavier spring.
  17. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    I will post a pic in the morning of the trigger
  18. Billythekid

    Billythekid Guest

    here are some pics of the trigger on my maxus sporting. let me know if it looks similiar.




  19. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    Here is a picture of mine
    see how the tab sticks out on the disconnector
  20. gifters

    gifters .22LR

    Well after no luck of finding someone to manufacture a small number of springs, I decided to put a spacer between the spring and mounting post, this increases the spring tension, I haven't shot it yet but the trigger feels like it resets better. I used a piece for rubber from a rubber washer I had laying around. I also made small cuts in the sides of the spacer so it would lock onto the spring and then I supper glued it in place. I'll probably go out and shoot it tomorrow, we'll see how it holds up over time.

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