Went to install new grips and grip screws on one of my Hi Powers and found it wasn’t a simple swap. I’ve got several Hi Powers, all 1973 or older. Two are T series guns with import marks so they must have began their lives in another country after leaving Belgium. The one from 1968 swaps grips out just fine. The one from 1965 doesn’t. It has plastic grips and a lanyard loop. When I tried to install a new grip on the non-lanyard loop side with the new screw that works in ever other Hi Power it didn’t thread in easily. I switched back to the original screw and it bottomed out without the grip ever getting tight. So I’ve got the plastic one back in place with the original screw and wondering about what size o-ring I’ll need to act as a washer or what other method I’ll need to concoct to change grips on this gun. Anybody experienced this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk