Burnt Brass and the Pistonhead Army...

Discussion in 'Work Safe' started by SHOOTER13, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    One man's artistic expression with old brass and scrap steel...

    Some weeks ago, I saw a picture of some impressive artwork made with cartridge cases. I shared it on my Facebook page and went on about my business. But it kept turning up, so I looked a little deeper.



    Turns out, the guy who created it also makes a bunch of other metal art as well, much of it with a military, guns-a-blazin’ theme. He calls himself Tigger (as in TIG welding), and he’s clearly good at what he does. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, but in this case it may be more than that. Anyhow, here are some things he has made from old cartridge cases.


    He has much more on his Facebook page and website. What superb workmanship! Expect to wait for your piece if you don’t buy something he’s already completed. He has spent as long as two weeks on one 50 BMG piece.




    (All images used in this post belong to Tigger Welding.)

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
  2. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    That brass is going to be tough to reload.
    SHOOTER13 likes this.

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