
Discussion in 'Browning Superposed Shotgun' started by Spike44, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  2. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    Wow truly beautiful. Thanks for posting. Do you shoot it or just a safe queen? Can’t say I would blame you if you don’t shoot it.
  3. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  4. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
    Ranger6 likes this.
  5. Anatidae

    Anatidae .270 WIN

    Congratulations on the acquisition.

    As far as 9 months on a Browning letter:

    I offered to pay research fees for 2 letters back on August 24, 2022. The reply indicated they were "a month to 6 behind". I don't know if that meant 6 weeks or 6 months. I bought one gun and was negotiating for the other. Negotiations failed 2 months ago, but I was still willing to pay $40 for a letter, to see if the unique European-motif engraving was specifically requested by the owner - just for my research and edification on the Gr V pattern variations.

    Yesterday, I got a call from Browning archives asking if I was still interested in a letter. I gave them my credit card info and she said it would be about 2 weeks before they would research the records and get a letter out to me. All this to say - I would send another request since it appears they can turn things around quicker than 9 months, now.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022
  6. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  7. Anatidae

    Anatidae .270 WIN

    Well, I hope neither $40 paid-for letter begins, "We regret to inform you that we could find no records this serial number."

    Please share any information from your letter that you are comfortable sharing - either publicly or privately.

    It's always interesting to trace the history of these guns. Three C-Series guns went to Cullem & Boren, Dallas - another one to Atlanta Outfitters & Fire - others to San Meteo, CA - Florida - etc. One went to Corporate HQ in Ogden and another to Rt 1, Morgan, UT.
  8. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  9. Anatidae

    Anatidae .270 WIN

    I'm sure you meant: The photo in Schwing is not of your gun, but one that was executed in the same engraving pattern.

    The example in the photo is known as the 'D4g' pattern (a standard 'FN' engraving pattern during that period of production) signed by Mario Bodson. Yours is the same 'pattern' engraved by Claude Baerten and J.M. Debrus.

    Six (6) of 22 C-Series 12 gauge examples that have appeared for sale in the last 8 years, are engraved in the D4g engraving pattern.

    Schwing provides the most comprehensive history for the C-Series guns, anywhere. A letter is only specific to invoice info for your serial number.
    Ranger6 likes this.
  10. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  11. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  12. Auzzie

    Auzzie 20g

    That is certainly one very nice gun you have!
    Distant Admirer
  13. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Thank you
  14. Anatidae

    Anatidae .270 WIN

    I’m not sure how you received a letter in 2 days -unless they did the research and wrote the letter the day they called you, and unless you live within a day’s mail delivery from Ogden, Utah - but kudos to you.

    12 days from BrowninG’s phone call to see if I still wanted a letter - it finally arrived and it DID contain the invoice information I was hoping would confirm the example I was interested in, as special order engraving and barrels configuration.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
  15. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  16. Spike44

    Spike44 .22LR

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  17. Anatidae

    Anatidae .270 WIN

    Good deal. And yes - maybe they DID feel badly. Glad to know they appear to be providing this service again. Thanks for the reply and photo.

    Yes, the USPS label has the postmark date at the bottom. Mine took 4 days in transit - Priority Mail. My letter is dated 11/23/22 and postmarked 11/28/22. It was delayed due to Thanksgiving Holiday and weekend.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022

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