OK...we're all into firearms here...and ya gotta practice. Sometimes you're lucky enough to shoot outdoors, and get to blow-up reactive targets. But, sometimes...the only option is paper. So...Here's a thread where you can post your favorite paper target image, or link to a website that has free targets to download...so that others can copy, save and print 'em in any size !! =================================================================== WEBSITES http://www.gun-shots.net/free-printable-targets.shtml COPY...SAVE ... & PRINT =================================================================== HUNTING ================================================================== SELF DEFENSE ( Thanks Sniper!! ) ================================================================== BULLSEYE
Now here's a crowd pleaser !! Similar to tannerite...but their own formula SURE SHOT EXPLODING TARGETS http://www.shop.sureshotexplodingtargets.com/main.sc ====================================================== 20lb bag...$90...( load your own containers ) 10 pack of Mini ( 22lr ) targets...$20 Go to the Home page and find a local dealer through the "Find Local Dealers" page and save money on shipping. Support your local dealers!
BTW...on the HOME page there is a FAQ tab... http://www.sureshotexplodingtargets.com/ ======================================================= Q: How does the exploding targets work? A: Our center fire exploding target can only explode if it is shot by a high powered rifle bullet going over 2200 fps. However, our rim fire targets (Magnums) can be set off with a .22 caliber long rifle bullet shot from a rifle. After a bullet strikes the target, it starts a molecular chain reaction. As molecules separate, they break the sound barrier. The explosion you hear is a sonic boom from the molecules separating and the smoke you see is a cloud of water vapor. Q: Why are these targets legal? And what laws do I have to follow when they are mixed? A: Exploding targets are legal because The US Federal Government allow the use and mix of up to fifty pounds of Black powder for personal sporting use. These targets are much like black powder, except are very stable and safe to use. The following are rules you must obey when using these targets: #1: Never mix more than you should or shoot any amount greater than the intended target size. #2: Once mixed, It is considered a high order explosive and you cannot transport it or store it without proper licensing, magazines and land. In addition, do not resell or transfer the target to anyone else. THE TARGET MUST BE MIXED AND SHOT ON SITE! ===========================================================
Yes, I've used the products of the above website. They are awesome... Usually a few of us chip-in for a 20lb bag and mix our own...utilizing plastic water bottles filled with sand 1/3 of the way up, then adding the binary mix to the top 2/3 then cap. This raises the mix to the middle of the bottle, adds some dead weight so it doesn't blow over, and doesn't waste alot of the binary. Then just aim for the label. BOOM As always...respect the enviornment and police the area when finished !! BTW ...please read this disclaimer: ***When mixed and used correctly this product will not initiate a fire. Having said that...the USFS has declared that all exploding rifle targets are forbidden on federal land when a Special Fire Order is in place. This normally happens in the Summer when the roads are posted with large orange signs stating that chainsaw use/camp fires/etc are forbidden, although some dry parts of the Country have these Special Orders all throughout the year. Please respect local land-use regulations.***
:idea: More FREE sites to download targets... http://targetz.com/index.htm http://mytargets.com/ http://www.theshootingschool.org/targets.html http://www.gamecalls.net/free_stuff/52_ ... rgets.html http://www.luckygunner.com/free-targets
Free from MIDWAY USA... http://www.midwayusa.com/General.mvc/In ... edownloads RIFLE TARGET (pdf file) http://www.midwayusa.com/Content/pdf/Le ... target.pdf PISTOL TARGET (pdf file) http://www.midwayusa.com/Content/pdf/Le ... target.pdf