My wife has been interested in getting into shooting clays for many years, but didn't pull the trigger until recently. The problem is that she broke and dislocated her shoulder a few years back, so the shoulder doesn't deal well with full power loads. I started her with a 20 ga Silver to lessen the felt recoil, but it didn't fit her well enough & couldn't be shortened, so I might move it from her safe to mine when she'd not looking. I think part of her issues with the the Silver is that she wanted a real shotgun - an over'n'under - so we just got her a 20-gauge Citori. Now, I'm setting up a loading station for her shotgun and I'm looking for suggestions on the softest load that still gets the job done on the clays. TIA.
hey welcome to the Browning Owners community!! Unfortunately I'm not much of an expert in loading shells, just getting into it myself. I would also be interested in what people would recommend. hopefully someone else can chime in with some insight.
Thanks for the welcome. I'm hoping to gain some insight. I've got no doubt I can work up some uber soft loads, but will they do a requisite number on the clays????
Google search on "soft recoil skeet loads" and you'll get several helpful links. My first step would be to drop the shot charge to 3/4 oz from the standard 7/8 oz in 20 ga. And of course there are factory loads for soft recoil, often down around 950 fps. I've watched others shoot them successfully, but listening to the report you do wonder at first if the shot will make it that far. But it does. Another approach is to use a 12 ga and download it; that's what I do. I have 2 skeet grade Citoris, in 12 and 20. The 12ga has 32" barrels so is even heavier than otherwise. I load to 7/8 oz and 1200 fps (same as a standard 20 ga) and the dirty little secret is that my 20 ga w/ factory loads has slightly more punch than my 12 ga reloads. Other approaches would be to use a 12 ga with 20 ga tubes, or to get one of several hydraulic recoil systems on the market. They work very well.
You know what... I'm trying to get my wife into trap shooting as well. I've seen other women shoot well and think thats so Cool. She showed interest so I'm preparing an old BT99 of mine just for her. I know she is going to shy away if the recoil is too harsh but this gun is already set up with a 'Graycoil' adjustable recoil pad which I had installed. I shot 1300+ fps loads with very little felt recoil. I would suggest looking into it. If the recoil is still an issue, you could always buy lighter loads. Just a thought
Thats what I think but many of the people at the range think very differently. They don't say it but I think they take women shooters as a threat. I think I'll start her off at the auto pull. Although I've never tried it myself, we'd be all alone.
Women tend to take instruction better then men, who typically...when it comes to firearms...act like men and pretend to know it all.
A little late, but I will leave my thoughts on it, in case someone else is facing the same problem. First of all, I cannot stress enough how proper firearm fitment is critical to perceived recoil. Have the shooter put their arm on a table as if they were going to arm wrestle you. Then, place the firearm in the crease of the arm and strech the fingers out. The fingers should lay right at the trigger. I have seen a ton of shooters who complained about recoil with a 20g, only to find out they needed a reduced length of pull. After proper fitment, it does not take long for them to step up to a 12g comfortably. Now, for the shells. I typically recommend Remington STS reduced recoil. You can feel the difference. Also, go with the smallest shot possible to get her started. 7/8oz. 7 1/2-9 shot is ideal. Lastly, technique is extremely important. I usually teach new shooters to pretend that they are tearing the gun in half at the receiver. The fore hand should be pushing the gun away from you, while the trigger/knob hand should firmly pull the stock into the pocket of your shoulder.
HI Rob. I think your idea of measuring is something I have never heard before. And I'm going to go home and try that. It sounds so simple. And I agree, proper fit of the stock is everything. As for NOBU&GUN. It's so cool to have the other half join me. We have done at least 2 sporting clay competitions every year since I got her into shooting. I bought a Browning Silver Hunter, with a youth stock for her. She really likes the semi auto because it takes some of the brunt of the recoil. Or at least that is what she thinks in the head. Plus you add in a good shooting vest, and light 2 3/4'' Clay target loads. It seems to be the ticket for her. She went from 9 out of 150 targets, to 45/150 this year. So I'd say she is improving for sure. Along with all of the giggling and fun we have. It's a great day .
I started my young kids on a 20 ga., with light reloads using 3/4 oz. of #9 shot. I used Green Dot as my powder. I wanted a light recoiling load for them. They were so light I used them as well, and never felt handicapped on the skeet or sporting clays range. When I could find # 8.5 shot, I used that as well. Data can be found on the Alliant website.>ypeid=3&gauge=20