My friend found some discharge papers

Discussion in 'Work Safe' started by Rob poston, May 6, 2017.

  1. Rob poston

    Rob poston .270 WIN

    Some of you may or may not know, but I am a 1940's buff. That being said, I ended up getting some food and gas ration stamps and tokens for my display, along with some 1940's era memorabilia. As I was showing them to my friend, his wife was reminded that they had some old papers from his family tucked away. She pulled out a box of old papers which included stock purchases from the teens-40's, and even an old paper from the US Army. Jim then opened the paper and found out what it is. Turned out, it was his great-great grandfather's discharge papers from the Army that was dated 1864... the American Civil War! The paper was in pretty good condition for it's age!
    Just thought I would share- it was such a cool find!
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
    SHOOTER13 and Rudolph31 like this.
  2. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    And you didn't take a picture?
    Rob poston and SHOOTER13 like this.
  3. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    I, for one, would like to see them too.
    Rob poston likes this.
  4. Rob poston

    Rob poston .270 WIN

    We did on his wife Barbie's phone. I will see them again this week... I will be sure to take a snapshot.
    Rudolph31 and SHOOTER13 like this.
  5. Rob poston

    Rob poston .270 WIN

    Update: Here are the pictures, as promised.

    20170510_203746__1494513186_56163__1494513186_21435.jpg 20170510_203752_Burst01__1494513240_78602__1494513240_74073.jpg 20170510_203806__1494513289_59153__1494513289_34920.jpg 20170510_203841__1494513374_86525__1494513374_70249.jpg 20170510_203817__1494513328_29053__1494513328_49279.jpg 20170510_204045__1494513475_21935__1494513475_53938.jpg 20170510_203850__1494513417_89008__1494513417_64361.jpg
    Rudolph31 likes this.
  6. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Bridesburg is the city...What state is that Rob...?
    Rob poston likes this.
  7. Rob poston

    Rob poston .270 WIN

    I believe it is in Pennsylvania. That is where Jim's family is from.
    SHOOTER13 likes this.
  8. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Thought so...Bridesburg is next to Port Richmond...and about 5 miles south of where I grew up in Mayfair, all NE Philly neighborhoods

    Still go there to buy Smoked and Fresh Polish Kielbasa from an old butcher shop...ask Jim about it.

    2582 Orthodox St, Philadelphia, PA 19137
    Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Orthodox St and Almond St

    Small world...
    Rob poston likes this.
  9. Rob poston

    Rob poston .270 WIN

    Uggh... Polish Kielbasa.... you know I am trying to get back in shape, right? ;-)

    Just got finished pulling an hour on the treadmill- Kielbasa sounds SO GOOD right now! And an ice cold Yuengling to wash it down.

    Small world indeed, my friend.
    SHOOTER13 likes this.

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