My brother-in-law wants to give me a BL-22 or a Marlin 39 A. This Browning has never been shot and he has the box at home. It was my father-in-laws and was purchased in the early 70's. Which gun is considered better (I'm leaning toward the Browning)? Also, the number on the underside is 71(3,8,orB)56693 and this doesn'seem to match the Browning serial number chart I saw. So, I'm thinking maybe its a 1971. ? (I have sone pictures but couldn't figure how to post them).
My vote is BL-22. It will always be worth more if you ever decide to sell. The picture problem has been addressed in the new member welcome area. Should you need help with pictures after that just let me know. I can walk you through it.
Serial number on my mid 80’s bl22 is on the side of the receiver. The year of manufacture can be determined from the serial number.
I'll look on the side, but I think I would have seen it. I told him to hang onto the box for me and maybe the manual is there which somehow supposedly helps determine the year. The number I previously posted is on the underside of the receiver. It starts with 71 so I'm thinking its a 1971.
my serial #72b80309 is on the receiver between the trigger guard and fore-end stock. I confirmed with browning customer service it is indeed a 1972 gun. I knew this as i bought it at age 13 with paper route money. It was 77.50. The good old days.