A 3rd edition of Browning Auto-5 shotguns has been announced. With an additional 100 pages over the first edition. The information on the website and the photos look very good. I think most serious A5 people on this forum own a copy of the A5 book by Shirley and Vanderlinden. It may be the book I open most often. https://www.wetdogbooks.com/browning-auto-5-shotguns In completely unrelated news, would anybody like to buy a 2010 revised edition that definitely hasn't been read a hundred times? I'll need to figure out how to get a third edition to the UK.
Thanks for the heads up! I ordered 3... Now I need to sell off the 1st & 2nd edition to recoup my investment back.... my half of our upstairs bookshelf is really beginning to sag... in a good sort of way. The "plan" was since I built it, it would be for my reference library on our main floor... then I wouldn't have to go downstairs to the man cave to retreave a book to figure out what I'm looking at. Well, the Mrs. liked my idea so much, that she offered to "share" the space with me. I quietly acquiesced.. The "duplicates" are riding the top level so I don't forget to take them to the gun show.
Mine was a gift. I'm not sure how it made it's way into the UK. While shipping is quoted as being expensive I regularly purchase books from the US to the UK. The most I've paid to have a book shipped is $30. I don't get items shipped on any kind of urgent shipping, if they take 3 weeks to arrive then so be it.
An impressive collection of literature. Admin, I'd like to report a winchester man has infiltratred our Browning forum.
I am an admitted lover/owner/pursuer of any firearm. The books help obtain the knowledge to not waste my time & $$$. The administrator has put up with me so far, abet we did have a rocky start.
That’s an excellent looking library you have there. How about you do a few reviews on some and post them in the literature section on here and give your views for us less fortunate ones to go looking for. Doesn’t matter whether browning or whatever.
Any particular book? I must admit, there are a few that I haven't opened... just came across them and figured it is wiser to buy when I find it than pay too much when they go out of print. The Winchester 95 is a prime example... I hesitated at $125... they now sell for over $600. I ended up buying a friends library because he had a copy... abet, it's one of the three "paper-back" proof editions. His wife was one of those that did the proof reading prior to final publication. He wouldn't sell his hard bound copy. The Winchester 69 and Slide Action 22 books as well as Rule's Model 70 book get the most use... There are soft back copies out but the photo's are murky, stick with the hard backs. My friend, Jeff Abishan, author of the Win. 69 book and the soon to be published Model 75 book has put together exhaustive works on those guns... subsequently, the guns have appreciated in price. Especially the factory scoped models. The Model 75 Sporter prices are skyrocketing in advance of that books publication... There are a few of us in the Winchester 22 asylum that have been pushing for Steve Emmert and Jeff to do the same with the Model 52...target & Sporter. The existing book by House has significant errors that have caused collectors problems. Honestly, I need the books to make assessments correctly... I got burned a few times early on in the hobby because I didn't know certain things... spending $75 or even $200 for a book will pay for itself when you come across a "unicorn"... sometimes all it takes is just thumbing thru a book for your brain to "click" & "file away" info that is important. Most recently, when I had the good fortune to find an abused 2nd year, engraved A5... I knew something about it was good... even with the warts & damage... I just knew. I joined this forum, received good constructive information that pointed me in the right direction. I did manage to ruffle a few feathers along the way. Soon after, I purchased the 1st ed. A5 book... then I found the 2nd edition on a table at the Phoenix gun show for $10... no brainer on buying that. It was a small investment to purchase, then a modest investment to learn what to do to massage it back to life. Having the books really has encouraged me to complete the project. Weather you are starting out in the hobby, or an old kermugion like me, try to keep your priorities straight... work hard, take care of your family, pay your bills... if there's a few bucks at the end of the month, be sure to tell mama, then figure out what needs must be met... then, if you still have a few bucks, go to the local gun shop or Tulsa gunshow (if you're lucky) be sure to go with knowledge... it will be to your advantage. If there's a few old timers at the show, ask around if they are knowledgeable, if gun guys go to them for advise, chances are they can be trusted. So get to know them... they want to see the hobby continue long after they have finished round on the firing line... good luck.
I looked close at the image again. Yes your really lucky have such an interesting reference library like that at your fingertips. Lots of interesting knowledge and subject matter on those shelves.
Very good do a posted review on what extra info you find in the book from the 100 pages added to original for 2025 and share with us on site if it’s worthwhile $ and put in the books and literature section on here. The AUD is so poor against US I will be holding off a while especially with shipping. I would need to buy and palm off a dozen to cover one.