Well, the gun shoots as good as it looks. Unfortunately, it’s owner didn’t. I did get an upset win at Crazy by hitting “Four from The Chair”, however.
I saw a Final Tribute forearm for sale on Gunbroker last week, and it arrived today. It’s not an exact match for the butt stock, but it’s closer than what it came with.
Unfortunately, I had to remove the recoil spring to take the picture above. The forearm needs fitting. I’m thinking of sandpaper on a dowel.
No, but it’s an OEM spring. But it’s the barrel ring that’s rubbing in the channel. Without the spring, I could kinda get the forearm on well enough to take a picture.
Nice color match. Do you believe the diameter of the Japanese made forearm slightly smaller or the forearm, after 25 years in storage, is a bit distorted?
I don’t really know, Biz. My other replacement forearm was a drop-in fit. Maybe there was something different about the Final Tribute shotguns.
I’m guessing you passed because it’s not a 16. Also, it looked really bad in the pictures. Who knew it would clean up so easily? But thank you again for the heads up!
Thank you! An hour of sanding and it fits. Hand cycling is no longer leaving scuff marks in the wood, so hopefully it won’t crack the first time I fire it.
I actually thought of that. But until I get around to repairing the two broken ones I have, I kinda need this one.
Well, no duct tape needed. I went early to our Wednesday night shoot. Two other guys were there early so we did a practice round. The gun shot great and the forearm didn’t crack. After Station 1 I opened it up and there were no more scuff marks in the channel either. I’m calling it a success. I also shot a rare-for-me 25 with it. I decided to quit while I was ahead and switched to my 1965 Light Twelve. I should shoot that better since the Type X has such a short, whippy barrel. Well, I shot a 21. About average for me, but 4 misses so soon after no misses made me switch back. With 6 guys there, I tied for first with a 23.
No, because it wasn’t my first 25. But I have several that they did shoot, my first 25 with them, my first with a 16, and my first with a 20. Then that magic night when I hit 50 straight they shot another.