1911-380 Problem! Please help thanks!

Discussion in 'Browning 1911 - 380 Handgun' started by JasonBrowning, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. ShooterGranny

    ShooterGranny .270 WIN

    People ceracote Glock frames - and other polymer frames all the time. I don't know how durable it is but they do it - a lot.
    JimCunn likes this.
  2. JimCunn

    JimCunn .270 WIN

    I ordered two new 1911-380 mags.
    Arrived today.
    On both of them, it is much much harder to depress the follower when loading the initial round. Very different from all my other 1911-380 mags.
  3. ShooterGranny

    ShooterGranny .270 WIN

    You may have gotten some where that little coil sticks out a bit too far.
  4. JimCunn

    JimCunn .270 WIN

    No further than my other mags.
    Edit - I felt like there might be a problem with the sharpness of the inside edge punched through the inside bottom of the spring loop notch in the mag wall, so I hit it a few licks with a half round jeweler's file, beveling it to make it easier for the spring loop to seat into the inside of the mag. That seems to have done the trick. Much easier to load the first round and the slide still locks back after the last. A few licks with the file goes a long way - don't overdo it.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
    ShooterGranny likes this.
  5. JimCunn

    JimCunn .270 WIN

    I have two 1911-380/22 Compact Convertables.
    My first one has been really picky about the .380 âıammo and mags that would feed OK.
    The second has been dependable.
    Mags that don't work in the first gun do work fine in the second.
    So, I spent about half an hour selectively polishing some of the innards on the first one. Tried it out today using 95gr Winchester FMJ that it previously wouldn't feed. I'm a happy camper. Fired several magazines with no hitches whatever. Still working on sights to get it to shoot to point of aim.
    ShooterGranny likes this.
  6. JimCunn

    JimCunn .270 WIN

    Follow up - I took 1/16" off the front sight and brought POI up to POA.
    ShooterGranny and KyBoB like this.

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