Available from ProMag. I'm not a fan of the manufacturer, but I bit the bullet and ordered a 10-round. Pro: 1) doesn't use an exposed spring to lock the slide back after last round. 2) does lock back after last round. Con: 1) mag follower jammed before I ever inserted a round in it or inserted it in the pistol. Had to disassemble the mag to correct the stuck follower 2) empty mag very 'sticky' - not smooth. 3) have to depress the mag button to insert mag. 4) very difficult to shove each round that last 1/32" aft into the mag (difficult to seat rim all the way aft in mag). 5) if more than one round in mag, slide won't come forward if slide stop released. You have to whack the slide pretty hard to chamber each round. I'm estimating that it will take a couple of hours to address all the issues and make the mag dependable. I can't recommend buying one of these mags unless you like working on guns.