1924 Browning Type??

Discussion in 'Browning Auto A-5' started by Rudolph31, Apr 29, 2022.

  1. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    True Oil and pro custom are very similar. I thing TruOil had more varnish in it though. ProCustom IMO is easier to use. With that said I think I’m done with both.

    Biz care to share your recipe for your oil?
  2. Biz

    Biz 20g

    Why are done with both oil?
    Regarding my recipe, I usually start the first application with a mix of 33% boiled linseed oil, 33% paint thinner (not lacquer thinner) and 34% oil varnish. I change the ratio for the subsequent coats. The last coat will be a mix of 25% linseed oil, 25% paint thinner and 50% varnish. More you increase the varnish ratio, more water resistant it will be. If I want a darker wood, at the first coat, I replace the linseed oil with the black walnut color Watco Danish oil. The problem with a oil finish is it requires maintenance, however, it is easy to fix.
    Auzzie likes this.
  3. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    I am done because I’ve found a better method and I believe the finished product is closer to the original finish
  4. Auzzie

    Auzzie 20g

    Thanks guys for explaining and especially for the recipe. Least have another option to consider trying now. At home with metal not wood so much.
  5. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    Well, we’re making progress.

    I ordered a new safety from MGW. It arrived yesterday. I rushed downstairs to install it and I couldn’t make it fit! Thinking that all I needed was the catch, I decided to swap. Easier said than done. But I got it back together. The safety is now difficult to engage and even harder to disengage. It may be because the original didn’t have a plunger on it’s spring, but the new one did. No big deal, I don’t hunt, so the gun is either empty or ready to fire. No safety needed.

    Here’s the worn original part:

  6. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    And the stock is coming along:


    win7stw likes this.
  7. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    Thats going to turn out really nice
    Rudolph31 likes this.
  8. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Very nice, keep the pics coming.
  9. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    Man that looks really nice.
  10. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    Well, my friend called me up this morning, wanting to deliver the stock. I was at a restaurant having breakfast, so he met me there. The wood looks incredible, well worth the cup of coffee I bought him.

    murphranch, Auzzie and win7stw like this.
  11. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    A couple of Before pictures for easy comparison:
  12. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    You did really welllll!
    Rudolph31 likes this.
  13. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    Lets see that on the gun
  14. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

  15. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    Here it is. I didn’t have a fancy screwdriver like win7stw, so I used the next best thing.

    Auzzie likes this.
  16. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

  17. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    My buddy said it would be OK to shoot it tonight. I’ll make sure to shave first.

    Also, the forearm isn’t original and doesn’t match, so I might see if Art’s has anything close.
  18. Biz

    Biz 20g

    That is very nice Rudolph and from those nice pics I have to say it seems a bit to ornate to be just a type 1.
    Rudolph31 likes this.
  19. Rudolph31

    Rudolph31 .30-06

    I’m going Type III Biz!
  20. Biz

    Biz 20g

    The only thing I can argue on is, it is not a type 4 or higher grade. Congratulations, it is a beautiful "arme de luxe" and would like to have one in my collection.
    Rudolph31 likes this.

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